General Education

General Education (Humanities & Science)


CHC100 Chapel (1 unit)
Attending chapel once a week is required for all full-time students to fulfill institution’s mission and keep Christian values.

BI101 Introduction to Bible (3 units)
The purpose of this course is to introduce you the most influential books in the world. This foundational course assists the student in gaining an overall understanding of the chronology and content of the Bible. Special attentions will be given to how to read and appreciate each books of the Bible with various backgrounds and themes of the books in mind in order to know the will and works of God for human beings, then and now.

PHL111 Introduction to Philosophy (3 units)
Study of philosophical methods and how these methods may serve as a means of integrating learning and faith.

PHL212 Introduction to Ethics (3 units)
An examination of theories of morality with special emphasis on conscience and morality in decision-making.

SOC301 Introduction to Sociology (3 units)
An introductory study of sociology and its development and structure. The working dynamics of ethno-economic groups in the modern society are critically examined.

SOC302 Contemporary Social Problems (3 units)
An in-depth study of contemporary social problems. Includes an examination of marital problems, education of youth, drug abuse and criminal behavior.

COMM 201 Public Speaking (3 units)
This course provides the opportunity to significantly improve public speaking skills by practicing and delivering speeches and presentations in a safe environment with personalized feedback.

PHL112 Logic (3 units)
Study of deductive and inductive reasoning, elementary symbolic, logic and language structure with consideration to argument, inference, proof, fallacies and semantics.

HIS105 American History (3 units)
An overview of the entire sweep of American history from colonial period to the present.

HIS101 History of Western Civilization (3 units)
A broad survey of world history from the earliest times to 1715. Emphasis will be placed on the development of the Christian Church before the Reformation.

HIS 102 History of Western Civilization (3 units)
A broad survey of world history from 1715 to the present. Emphasis will be placed on the western civilization and the relevance of the past to contemporary life.

PRA201 Vision & Mission of Life (3 units)
The purpose of this course is to study how to recognize one’s vision and mission in life and how to achieve them in life time in various vocational settings. This course will help student to recognize who he/ she is in ontological, psychological and theological perspectives. The vision and mission will be defined in the base of God’s providence and guidance; and one’s hobbies, gifts, education, experiences and dream. This recognition will guide student be able to draw a planning yearly map for his/her life goals based on their past hobbies, present gifts, talents, education, and future hope and vision of God and from God. Thus students will be able to get rid of confusions concerning faith and work and will be able to integrate them in order to life with full potential and full conviction of life in the various areas of vocations.

PSY206 Religion Psychology (3 units)
This course involves a study of the development of religious attitudes and the psychological factors involved in religious cultures. This course will explore religion from a psychological, not a theological, perspective.

BS110 General Biology (3 units)
Students will define what constitutes life and how the Christian and secular scientific communities view life and life processes. Students will study how plants and animals complement each other, how energy flows through an ecosystem, environmental factors, the complexity and variety of organisms, and the structural and functional units of life. Students will study life in controlled laboratory situations, and out in the field.

BS150 Anatomy I (3 units)
This course will focus on general human anatomy with emphasis on structural identification and function. Students will learn the names and locations of the body structures as well as general functions of organs systems of the human body.

BS151 Anatomy Lab (1 unit)
This course covers laboratory work enhanced by microscopic study and examination of tissues, preserved specimens and anatomic models.

BS170 Microbiology (3 units)
Topics include microbial cell structure and function, metabolism, microbial genetics, and the role of microorganisms in disease, immunity, and other selected applied areas.

BS171 Microbiology Lab (1 unit)
This course covers an array of microbiological precedures with an emphasis on the use of proper aseptic techniques, and with experiments aimed to demonstrate major concepts of bacteriology, virology, and immunology.

BS220 Physiology I (3 units)
A study of basic understanding of physiological principles and the functional organization of living systems. Emphasis will be placed on human physiology and the integrated functions of organ systems. Students are expected to learn the basic principles and concepts of human physiology both at the molecular and cellular levels, to learn to reason scientifically, and to understand and describe the cooperative function of multiple organ systems in the human body.

BS221 Physiology I Lab (1 unit)
This course covers homeostasis and pH, molecular movement, enzyme effects, human reflex, nervous and sensory systems, blood physiology, blood pressure, respiration, body fat and physical fitness.

NR121 Nutrition (3 units)
This course covers human nutrition and health. Topics include digestion and absorption of nutrients, carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamin and mineral requirements, additives, food fads, diets and world hunger.

MUS103 Music Appreciation (3 units)
Basic elements of music theory. Understanding and cultivating a life of worship, with emphasis upon simple worship-planning techniques. Recognition and history of Western music from Medieval times to the present. Appreciation for music from non-Western cultures.

HUM101 Human Growth and Development (3 units)
An analysis of the life span of persons as it unfolds, viewed through the lenses of contemporary theories of development. Special emphasis will be given to successful transitioning into adulthood and the relational issues of young adults.

MATH101 College Mathematics (3 Units)
Mathematical skill and fluency is one of the first hurdles for lifetime success. This course is designed to help overcome the participants “math anxiety.” Specifically, the course will develop the participant’s competency skills, including basic algebra, the use of calculators and computers, estimation, and graphs and tables.

MATH102 College Algebra (3 units)
For anyone who has wondered, “When will I ever use algebra?,” this course is loaded with concrete examples and practical applications. This course concentrates on the beauty, power, and fun of algebra: functions and transformations, linear and quadratic inequalities, systems of equations, complex numbers, polynomial and rational functions, sequences, mathematical induction, and the binomial theorem. NOTE: Participants in MA102 are expected to have a graphical calculator with the following capabilities: the ability to plot the graph of a function within an arbitrary viewing window; and the ability to find the zeros of functions (solve equations numerically).

MATH 301 Statistics (3 units)
Basic statistical methodology: exploratory data techniques, estimation, inference, comparative analysis by parametric, nonparametric, and robust procedures. Analysis of variance (one-way), multiple comparisons, and categorical data.

PSY205 Introduction to Psychology (3 units)
This comprehensive survey of psychology explores human mind and behavior in relationship to psychological aspects concerning human development and intra/interpersonal relationship.

PSY425 Counseling for Marriage and Family (3 units)
An evaluation of family interaction, family structure, marital relationship and interdependence of marriage partners and their family members.

ENG101 English Composition
Writing college-level academic essays. Students will study the art and elements of writing, develop editing and revision skills, practice critical reading and critical analysis, and develop library skills for research.

ENG102 English Literature
Develops writing and reasoning skills beyond the levels of proficiency required by ENG101. The course emphasizes interpretation, evaluation and persuasion. Also provides students with opportunities to further develop their research skills. Prerequisite: EN101.

EN301 English I (3 units)
This course trains students in the basic English skills. Students practice simple conversations, basic listening skills, pronunciation, reading comprehension and strategies, vocabulary development, and writing sentences and paragraphs.

EN302 English II (3 units)
This course develops students’ proficiency in all the English language skills. Students practice interpersonal communication skills; develop reading skills and vocabulary to improve comprehension; write paragraphs incorporating grammatical concepts and writing strategies. Prerequisite: EN301.

EN303 English III (3 units)
This advanced course enables students to perform basic academic tasks. The academic focus of this course enables students to use their English language skills in regular academic activities. Prerequisite: EN302.
