Biblical & Theological Studies
OT101 Survey to Old Testament (3 units)
A Study of the Old Testament with emphasis on the historical, theological and literary features.
OT220 OT Historical Books I (3 units)
A study of Chronicles I, II and Kings I, II and the history, ideology and theology found there.
OT221 OT Historical Books II (3units)
A Study of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther, and the history, ideology and theology found there.
OT301 Introduction to the Old Testament (3 units)
An evaluative, critical, in-depth study of the authorship, dates, literary style and each book’s relative place within the entire Old Testament. Various theories of the origin and nature of the books are examined in depth.
OT305 The Pentateuch (3 units)
This course examines creation, fall, Israel’s ancestors, exodus, and the Law using literary and historical analysis. Theological issues explored include the character of God, human nature, and covenantal relationship with God.
OT315 Introduction to the Prophets (3 units)
The study of the role of the Old Testament prophets in their historical setting, their messages to the nation and their impact on the development of the Judio Christian through.
OT320 Major Prophets (3 units)
An expository study of the selected books of major prophets. The historical setting that gave rise to the prophetic literature will be examined.
OT321 Minor Prophets (3 units)
A study of the historical backgrounds, the theological aspect, time, and place of ministry, and personality of each of the authors of the books from Hosea through Malachi.
OT400 Genesis (3 units)
A basic study of the background and message of the book of Genesis. Particular attention will be paid to the application of specific truths within the book.
OT402 Exodus (3 units)
A study with a special focus on three sections of Exodus: 1) the call of Moses; 2) the challenge to the gods of Egypt; and 3) the call to the congregation.
OT402 Leviticus (3 units)
A study why Leviticus is important and how its laws, regulations, and ceremonies teach us not only about our sin, but also about God’s amazing plan of redemption through Christ.
OT404 Numbers (3 units)
A study of the Book of Numbers.
OT406 Joshua, Judges, Ruth (3 units)
A study of the Book of Joshua, Judges and Ruth. This course will provide an overview of the Israelites’ triumphant conquest of the “Promised land,” the repetition of their “godless” failures, and insight into the purity of individuals’ personal lives going on behind the scenes.
OT420 Samuel (3 units)
A widely ranging investigation of the Books of Samuel, with a special attention to the figure of David.
OT440 Isaiah (2 units)
A study of the Book of Isaiah. Attention is given to the content, form, and style, and to the historical and literary contexts as well as to exegetical methods, interpretation, and application.
OT460 Joel & Amos (2 units)
An Exegetical study of books of Joel and Amos with emphasis on the authors, background, themes, sinfulness of the people during the specific time period.
OT480 Psalms (3 units)
A study on the basis of the English language to acquaint the student with the nature of Hebrew poetry, the various types of Psalms with special reference to their theology. Prerequisite: OT301
OT502 Wisdom Literature (3 units)
A study on the basis of the English language of the various books of wisdom literature in the Old Testament, including Job, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs and the Song of Solomon.
OT555 Jeremiah (3 units)
An introduction to the Book of Jeremiah. The course will emphasize the historical, political, social and religious issues that are an integral part of the message of Jeremiah.
OT560 Ezekiel (3 units)
An examination of the book of Ezekiel against the background of Israelite exilic prophecy and apocalyptic. Emphasis will be placed on the shape and theological message of Ezekiel and the task of interpreting it as Scripture of the Church.
OT562 Daniel (3 units)
An expository study of the book of Daniel, including introductory information, the genre and structure of the book, and different approaches to the book. The study of each chapter will include a contextual exposition taking into consideration the theology of the book.
NT101 Survey to New Testament (3 units)
A study of the New Testament with emphasis on the historical, theological and literary features.
NT203 Synoptic Gospels (3 units)
A study of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John with emphasis on content, similarities, and differences. Critical methodologies are studied and evaluated.
NT205 Life & Teaching of Christ (3 units)
A thorough overview of the life of Jesus Christ on earth, with special attention to the developing emphases and distinctive purposes that prevailed during Christ’s public ministry. The course also examines the historical setting of Jesus’ ministry and the special emphasis of each Gospel.
NT301 Introduction to the New Testament (3 units)
An evaluative, critical, in-depth study of the authorship, dates, literary style and each book’s relative place within the collection. Various theories of the origin and nature of the books are examined.
NT305 Pauline Epistles (3 units)
A study of the letters of Paul in terms of their literary and theological issues and in the context of early Christianity.
NT306 Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians (3 units)
An in-depth study and application of the letters of Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians.
NT307 Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus (3 units)
A survey of the Book of Thessalonians, I & II Timothy and Titus. Attention is given to the themes of each, sound doctrines, and leadership qualifications.
NT308 James, Peter, Jude (3 units)
An in-depth study of the purpose of Book of James, I & II Peter and Jude. Attention will be given to the key verses, the five mega themes, pure religion, man’s excuses for sin, sins of the tongue, prayer, etc.
NT320 John (3 units)
A study of the Gospel of John with emphasis on its historical, literary and theological aspects in view of modern scholarship.
NT321 Acts (3 units)
A detailed study of the Book of Acts with emphasis on the development of the early church and on the life and missionary journey of Paul.
NT322 Romans (3 units)
Interpretation of key passages of the epistle with special attention to its theological teaching and its relation to other Pauline letters.
NT323 Corinthians (3 units)
A study of the Book of I & II Corinthians with emphases on authorship, date, circumstances of writing, and conditions in Corinth. Emphasis is given to its theology and the relevance of its theological principles to the contemporary church especially in reference to spiritual gifts.
NT324 Galatians (3 units)
An in-depth study and application of the letters of Galatians. Primary attention will be given to the form and content of the text itself: its background and history, distinctive literary traits, the flow of the argument, and the application of its truths in the contemporary setting.
NT325 Hebrews (3 units)
An expository/exegetical study of the epistle to the Hebrews. Primary attention will be given to the form and content of the text itself: its background and history, distinctive literary traits, the flow of the argument, and the application of its truths in the contemporary setting.
NT326 I, II & III John (3 units)
An exegetical study of I, II, and III John. Primary attention will be given to the form and content of the text itself: its background and history, distinctive literary traits, the flow of the argument, and the application of its truths in the contemporary setting.
NT327 Revelation (3 units)
An expository study of the book of Revelation, including introductory information, the genre and structure of the book, and different approaches to the book. The study of each chapter will include a contextual exposition taking into consideration its theology in light of OT background, enabling the student to prepare sermons and other materials related to the book.
NT401 Pauline Theology (3 units)
A study of the theology of Paul’s Epistles with readings in standard text books as well as exegetical study of key passages.
BT103 Biblical Interpretation (3 units)
A study of the methods of interpretation of the Bible with special attention to textual, historical and theological issues.
BT302 The Old Testament and Archaeology (3 units)
A study of the history of the OT from Abraham to the Exile with special attention given to archaeology in relationship to history.
GK101 New Testament Greek I (3 units)
An introduction to the grammatical forms, syntax and vocabulary of N.T. Greek.
GK102 New Testament Greek II (3 units)
Continued study of vocabulary and advanced grammar with translation of portions of the N.T. Prerequisite: GK101.
HEB101 Biblical Hebrew I (3 units)
An introduction to O.T. Hebrew with emphasis on vocabulary, syntax and grammar.
HEB102 Biblical Hebrew II (3 units)
Advanced study of Hebrew grammar with emphasis an improvement of vocabulary. Prerequisite: HEB101.
HEB605 Hebrew Exegesis (3 units)
A formal introduction to the steps and tools for exegesis of the Hebrew text, including practice in exegesis of selected Old Testament passages and the writing of an exegesis paper.
HEB608 Advanced Hebrew Exegesis (3 units)
An advanced course in Hebrew grammar, semantics, syntax, and readings, including Old Testament texts and samples of extra-biblical Hebrew texts such as epigraphical texts from the biblical period and Hebrew texts from the Dead Sea Scrolls.
THE301 Christian Doctrine I (3 units)
A brief look at each of the four departments of Theology and a study of the doctrine of God. His nature, attributes, personality, and work.
THE302 Christian Doctrine II (3 units)
A study of the Person, claims, and work of Jesus Christ. Prerequisite: THE301.
THE303 Christian Doctrine III (3 units)
A study of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit as to His Person and work and a study of the nature and responsibilities of the Church with attention to its relations to the Kingdom of God and society in historical context. Prerequisite: THE302.
THE304 Christian Doctrine IV (3 units)
A study of the doctrine of man and sin, including the depravity of man and the nature and consequences of sin. Prerequisite: THE303.
THE401 Systematic Theology I (3 units)
A study of the inspiration of the scriptures, the works of God, origin, and destiny of angels, and man.
THE402 Systematic Theology II (3 units)
A study of the purpose and plan of God, the person and work of Christ, conversion, grace, justification, regeneration, and sanctification. Prerequisite: THE402
THE415 Apologetics (3 units)
The defense of the Christian faith against anti-theistic thought and theories.
THE416 History of Christian Doctrine (3 units)
A study of the development of doctrines in accordance with church history.
THE431 Christian Ethics (3 units)
A consideration of various areas in personal and social ethics as they relate to the Christian life.
THE425 Contemporary Theology I (3 units)
This course focuses on the study of related representation theologians.
THE426 Contemporary Theology II (3 units)
This course focuses on the study of related representation theologians. Prerequisite: THE425
THE511 Biblical Theology I (3 units)
This course examines the thematic and historical development of a particular doctrine. Special emphasis on the given period on the author in the context of the entire scripture.
THE512 Biblical Theology II (3 units)
This course examines the thematic and historical development of a particular doctrine. Special emphasis on the given period on the author in the context of the entire scripture. Prerequisite: THE511
THE701 History of Christian Doctrine (3 units)
A survey of the history of Christian doctrine with an emphasis on understanding the antecedents of contemporary doctrinal problems in theology.
HIS305 Church History I (3 units)
A study of early and medieval church development including major theologians and their writings.
HIS306 Church History II (3 units)
A study of the modern church development including major theologians and their writings. Prerequisite: HIS305.
HIS405 History of Presbyterian Movement (3 units)
An in-depth study of the Presbyterian Movement. Emphasis on doctrinal distinctive and present directions.
HIS415 History of Renaissance and Reformation (3 units)
A study of the political, intellectual, industrial and religious development that resulted in the reformation movement in Europe from 14th to the 17th centuries. Detailed study of courses, factions, distinctiveness and their achievements of various reform movements are studied.
HIS420 History of Korean Church (3 units)
A study of the Korean church development including its identity and growth within historical-theological framework.
HIS416 History of Modern Church (3 units)
A study of the modern church development including major theologians and their writings.
HIS703 Reformed Theology (3 units)
A study of the Reformed theological tradition beginning with Augustine and following the Reformed trail through Wycliffe, Hus, Luther, Zwingli and on to Calvin. Prerequisite: HT503 or equivalent.
Professional Studies
PRA400 Christian Worship (3 units)
A study of biblical foundations, historical development and current trends in worship.
PRA411 Preaching (3 units)
A study of preparing sermon construction and style of delivery of the sermon.
PRA412 Preaching Practice (3 units)
Actual practice in preaching a sermon in the seminary chapel.
PSY402 Christian Counseling (3 units)
This course provides an examination of theories of counseling with an emphasis on principles and techniques integral to Christian practice of counseling.
PRA410 Homiletics (3 units)
A basic course in the theory and practice of developing a sermon in the Seminary Chapel with constructive criticism on the part of the instructor.
PSY415 Pastoral Counseling (3 units)
Instruction in the scope and methods of pastoral counseling with a practical examination of case studies.
ED 415 Church Administration (3 units)
A study of administrative aspects of the church operation. Its organization, record keeping and other activities are studied.
POS415 Modern Political Thought (3 units)
A study of the philosophical foundations of western democracy, fascism and communism.
PRA415 Practical Counseling (3 units)
This course provides an examination of theories of counseling with an emphasis on principles and techniques integral to Christian practice of counseling.
PRA505 Evangelism (3 units)
This course examines biblical foundations and different methods of evangelism.
PRA412 Mission (3 units)
This course examines biblical and theological foundations of mission with attention to historical, cultural and methodological issues.
PRA507 Pastoral Leadership (3 units)
A study of theories and styles of leadership in ministry context with attention to a biblical image of leadership and service.
PRA510 Church Growth (3 units)
A survey of the biblical principles and crucial factors in church growth, including an analysis of theological, sociological and missiological elements.
CE102 Principles of Teaching (3 units)
A study of the complexities of teaching with attention to methods of teaching and effective interaction with students.
CE301 Christian Education (3 units)
A study of educational philosophies with an emphasis on promoting Christian growth through educational planning and evaluation. Prerequisite: CE102.
CE303 Youth Ministry (3 units)
A thorough study of the Scriptures is involved in this class as it relates to the needs of young people. Contemporary methods of youth ministry will be analyzed.
CE501 Children Ministry (3 units)
An exploration of the theories and practices of ministry directed toward children with an emphasis on the developmental and cultural dynamics of childhood.
CE601 Christian Education (3 units)
A study of educational philosophies with an emphasis on promoting Christian growth through educational planning and evaluation.
CE603 Youth Ministry (3 units)
An exploration of the theories and practices of ministry directed toward teenagers with an emphasis on the developmental and cultural dynamics of adolescence.
CE701 Discipleship (3 units)
A study of the biblical principles and contemporary issues of disciplemaking with attention to evaluating existing programs of discipleship.
CE715 Bible Study Methods (3 units)
This course will not only teach the essentials of inductive Bible study methods, but will present the techniques using new modes of communication.
Doctor of Ministry
ADB 511 Advanced Biblical Theology (4 units)
This course focuses on an advanced study of the exegetical, theological and hermeneutical study of the Bible. It pays particular attention to the challenge of the practical issues that arise out of community and church life that require theological understanding with application of biblical principle and theologies.
ADS 511 Advanced Systematic Theology (4 units)
This course focuses on the advanced study of theory of God’s working in the individual and corporate life of community and systematization of theologies that arises out of the Bible. This course provides indepth insight into the ancient and contemporary perspective of biblical teaching and how that can be understood in the current believing community.
ADP 511 Pastor as Person (4 units)
This course is designed to assist pastor to make personal assessment of character temperament, learning style, talents, abilities, and gifts, ministry and relational skills, and other traits relevant to ministry.
ADH 511 Church and the Holy Spirit (4 units)
This course explores the relationship between the church growth and the function of Holy Spirit. This course will trace how the church has been shaped by the help of Holy Spirit from the early church, through the medieval era and into the Modern period. Using both Bible and secondary texts, the function of Holy Spirit in the development of the Church will be examined.
ADH 512 Church and History (4 units)
This course explores the in-depth study of Church History as well as the function of church in the larger context of the World History. Special attention will be made to the important issues and topics that changed and impacted the world.
ADS 512 Church and Society (4 units)
This course examines the role and function the church in the everchanging society. This course deals with 21st century expression of society’s needs and quest for the new model for church.
ADD 511 Dissertation Seminar (6 units)
This course helps student to prepare researching on dissertation, writing dissertation proposal and submitting dissertation in accordance with standardized format. This course deals with academic research into selected subjects, sample dissertation, ways to organize and arrange the argument, thesis, and ideas and write publishable dissertation.
ADD 512 Dissertation & Project (6 units)
This course further helps students to prepare well of dissertation proposal and dissertation.