Admissions Criteria

Admissions Criteria


Oikos University is committed to the training of men and women for Christian leadership, both lay and clerical. Because of this commitment, we seek to admit persons whose motivation, character, and aptitude are in keeping with this purpose. The application process is designed to help you and the college determines your readiness for Bible College. The admissions process is designed to help ensure that individuals who enter our program will complete it.

Oikos evaluates an applicant’s readiness in the following four areas:

Spiritual Readiness

Applicants to the School of Theology or School of Music may require that the students give evidence of a born-again experience and a consistent lifestyle that reflects biblical character and spiritual growth. Since certain activities are not consistent with a Christian testimony, you are expected to have lived apart from specific activities for at least one year prior to the semester in which you wish to enroll.

The reference forms submitted on your behalf by Christian friends and by your pastor (or your pastor’s designee) help us assess your spiritual readiness. Our intent is not to be legalistic or exclusive. Because of the rigors of ministerial training, it is essential that we see a certain degree of spiritual consistency in your life.

Oikos is a Christian college; we require that you accept the Oikos doctrinal statement. If you accept our doctrinal statement, you are welcome to apply, even if you are a member of another denomination or an independent church.

Students applying to the business program are not required to be Christian when they enter the program. But you must sign the mission statement agreement form containing mission, institutional purpose and doctrinal statement.

Academic Readiness

Applicants must have sufficient educational background to enable them to perform at the college level. A high school diploma or GED (General Education Development) is required for admission. Likewise, the University require students to pass Bible and theology courses as it is a integral part of their program requirements.

Physical Readiness

Health is an important factor in being able to maintain attendance, earn satisfactory grades, engage in ministry, sustain employment, and meet other demands of a college schedule. We may request that you pass a physical examination administered by a licensed physician and submit proof of this examination.

Prospective students with chronic, debilitating, or infectious physical conditions must inform the Admissions Officer of their situation during the application process in order to receive appropriate guidance. The same requirement applies to prospective students with emotional disorders, psychological disorders, or learning disabilities.

Financial Readiness

Applicants will be evaluated with regard to their ability to meet the financial demands of attending Oikos. The University does not yet quality for federal grants and loans.

Statement of Non-discrimination

Oikos does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, color, gender, and national or ethnic origin in the according or making available of all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally open to students at the college. We do not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, color, gender, and national or ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other college administered programs.
