



ACC 101 Principles of Accounting I (3 units)
Introduces the basic concepts of the complete accounting cycle and provides the student with the necessary skills to maintain a set of books for a sole proprietorship. Topics include accounting vocabulary and concepts, the accounting cycle and accounting for a personal service business, the accounting cycle and accounting for a merchandising enterprise, and cash control. Laboratory work demonstrates theory presented in class. Prerequisite: None

ACC 102 Principles of Accounting II (3 units)
This course covers a substantial portion of the U.S. accounting standards known as G.A.A.P. (generally accepted accounting principles). In particular, it entails a detailed study of the principal financial statements, accounting concepts, revenue and expense recognition, accounting for cash, receivables, and inventories. Prerequisite: ACC 101 Principles of Accounting I.

BUS 240 Business Law (3 units)
It is a study of fundamental principles of law applicable to business transactions. The course specifically relates to the areas of legal environment of business, contracts, and sales contracts. Prerequisite: None

BUS 250 Business Ethics (3 units)
The course includes a study of ethics in business and work. The topics include: recognizing and analyzing ethical issues in business; promoting ethical behavior in corporations and institutions; the social responsibilities of business; the role of business in a free market economy; ethics in the global economy; the role of the professions in contemporary American society. Prerequisite: None

BUS 299 Introduction to Business (3 units)
An introductory study of the functional areas of business to help students realize the integral role business plays in the economy and our lifestyles. Topics include the major elements in the business environment, forms of business ownership, competition in the domestic and international market, management of human and financial resources, marketing, business technology and information management, accounting, and business and personal finance. Prerequisite: None.

ECO 120 Principles of Microeconomics (3 units)
This course deals with the price system, market structures, and consumer theory. Topics covered include supply and demand, price controls, public policy, the theory of the firm, cost and revenue concepts, forms of competition, elasticity, and efficient resource allocation, etc. Prerequisite: None

ECO 130 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 units)
This course provides an examination of aggregate economic activity. It includes a study of aggregate supply and demand, the monetary and banking systems, aggregate economic accounting, inflation, unemployment, the business cycle, macroeconomic policy, and economic progress and stability, among other things. Prerequisite: None.

FIN 120 Business Finance (3 units)
This course deals with a survey of the basic principles and concepts used in the financial management of a business enterprise addressed from both theoretical and practical standpoint. Topics include money and capital markets, financial management of working capital, capital budgeting and fixed asset management, cost of capital, and short-term and long-term financing by means of debt and equity capital. Prerequisite: None.

FIN 201 Corporate Finance (3 units)
It is a study of how corporations raise and manage capital. Topics include modern financial principles, methods, policies, and institutions. It is to focus on corporate organization, creation and organization. Prerequisite: None

HRMN 101 Human Resource Management (3 units)
Introductory overview of basic human resource management activities. Various functions of human resource management are explored including planning, staffing, training, compensation, motivation, employee development, benefits, performance evaluation, discipline, health and safety issues, employer-employee relationships, and compliance with employment laws. Prerequisite: None.

LEDR 311 Organizational Leadership (3 units)
An exploration of leadership as a critical skill for the 21st century, when change occurs rapidly and consistently. The objective is to be able to use leadership theory and assessment tools to evaluate one’s own leadership skills. Focus is on the leadership skills needed to develop committed and productive individuals and high-performing organizations. Prerequisite: None

MGMT 121 Small Business Management (3 units)
An in-depth study of small to mid-sized companies with a view to preparing students for leadership roles. Emphasis on building and managing companies from the start-up phase to their growth and efficient operation. Problem solving strategies of managerial, legal and ethical issues and dilemmas particularly relevant to small business. Prerequisite: None

MGMT 250 Business Plan (3 units)
The capstone course is designed to be the culminating work for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration. It is an industry-sponsored, real-world project. This course is an interface between university- and work- environments. It is meant to prepare students to use the knowledge they gained during their academic studies and apply it in professional life. Through on-site work, each group of students will develop and provide a plan of action for the business they select. The plan must include: organizational culture, organizational structure, financial statements, marketing plans, operations objectives, marketing plans, advertising strategies, and human resource base, among other requirements, to plan a successful operation of a business. The projects will pertain to a business in any domain. In the process of completing the business plan, students will gain practical skills in group dynamics, public presentation skills, project management, and business behavior. A professional presentation of 15-20 minutes of the student’s project is required at the end of the course. Prerequisite: None

MGMT 308 Principles of Management (3 units)
This course is a survey of the five basic functions included in the practice of management. Management in organizations’ theories, techniques, and concepts will be presented. The role of the manager in a technologically-oriented society will also be discussed. Prerequisite: None

MGMT 309 Management and Organization Theory (3 units)
This course distinguishes the fundamental practices of sound management functions to the understanding of effective leadership. Organizations need both leadership and management understanding to function effectively in creating the learning organization. Students will learn to analyze and create plans for strategic management, and apply leadership concepts and approaches. Prerequisite: None

MGMT 410 International Management (3 units)
A study of the accelerating internationalization of all business, this course introduces upper-division undergraduate students to all facets of international business within three broad subject areas: (1) the economic framework of international business, (2) the operating frameworks of multinational corporations, and (3) a framework for global strategic management. It uses case studies to illustrate concepts and methods. Prerequisite: None

MGMT 420 Foundations of Entrepreneurship (3 units)
A study of entrepreneurship with particular reference to creating and starting a new venture. Emphasis on historical development of entrepreneurship, risk taking and entrepreneurship, innovation and marketing the plan, financial plan, organizational plan, going public, and legal issues for the entrepreneur. Prerequisite: None

MGMT 430 Operations Management (3 units)
This course is a survey of the fundamental concepts of production and operations management. The course covers the use of quantitative methods and statistical techniques for forecasting, resource allocation, decision theory, capacity planning, project management, inventory management, and quality assurance. Prerequisite: None

MGMT 450 Strategic Management (3 units)
A study of strategic management that focuses on integrating management, marketing, finance/accounting, production/operations, services, research and development, and information systems functions to achieve organizational success. The aim is to apply integrative analysis, practical application, and critical thinking to the conceptual foundation gained through previous study and personal experience. Emphasis is on developing an organizational vision and mission, developing and implementing strategic plans, and evaluating outcomes. Prerequisite: None

MKTG 289 Marketing Fundamentals (3 units)
An introductory course will study the functions of marketing in for profit service and product organization. The course will show how businesses and organizations use marketing techniques to create and promote image, develop product offerings, create banding, customer service and relations, consumer tracking, market research, vertical and horizontal integration, sales techniques, and sales management, and pricing strategies for positioning within the marketplace. Prerequisite: None

MNSC 301 Introduction to Quantitative Analysis (3 units)
A survey of the fundamentals of management science. This course emphasizes the concepts and algorithmic techniques utilized in business and finance contexts in order to optimize the desired business outcomes. Prerequisite: None

OBHV 110 Introduction to Organizational Behavior (3 units)
An introduction to the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving organization effectiveness. The course will focus on work-related behavior with an emphasis on individual and group performance as it relates to organizational productivity and processes. A central theme will be the development of “people” skills to help all employees- staff, front-line supervision, and management- improve their effectiveness. Prerequisite: None

BUS 351 Field Education I (3 units)
This course is an educationally-directed practicum through which students are expected to progress in their professional development from one quarter to the next. A course focused on important principles of Christian business leadership with an appropriate field experience under the supervision of a competent supervisor. Cognitive, affective, and experiential learning experiences are designed to foster the student’s formation in business field and community service.

BUS 352 Field Education II (3 units)
This course is a continuation of field education I. This course requires weekly involvement in community service with satisfactory completion of student’s self-evaluation form and supervisor’s evaluation form.

BUS 353 Field Education III (3 units)
This course is a continuation of field education II. This course requirements weekly involvement in community service with satisfactory completion of student’s self-evaluation form and supervisor’s evaluation form.

ACC 103 Managerial Accounting (3 units)
This course is an overview of the use of financial accounting and cost accounting data for the design and preparation of reports to aid management in organizing, directing, controlling, and decision-making functions. The topics include the fundamentals of cost accounting, budgeting and responsibility accounting for cost and profit centers. Prerequisite: None

BUS 120 Spreadsheet Fundamentals (3 units)
The course instructs students how to use electronic spreadsheet software in business applications. Students become proficient in creating and modifying spreadsheets in a business environment and in printing files that meet business standards. Topics include: spreadsheet concepts, data entry and modification, data analysis, analysis of charts and graphs, formatting data and content, and managing workbooks. Prerequisite: None

BUS 150 Database Fundamentals (3 units)
This course emphasizes the use of database management software packages to access, manipulate, and create data files. Topics include data entry, data access, data manipulation, relational databases, database creation, and file documentation. Prerequisite: None

BUS226 Webpage Design and Development (3 units)
Focuses on two aspects of website management: technical and business aspects. An introduction to Web languages and technologies is made with some in-depth coverage of HTML and CSS. How to manage people, content, and suppliers is covered in the business focus. Prerequisite: None.

BUS228 Web Design and Development Using Solutions (3 units)
Focuses on two aspects of website management: technical and business aspects. An introduction to Web languages and technologies is made with some in-depth coverage of HTML and CSS. Using the provided web design solution develop a web site. How to manage people, content, and suppliers is covered in the business focus. Prerequisite: None.

BUS 246 Team Building and Interpersonal Dynamics (3 units)
An overview of the issues of quality applied to human resources management, topics include the delegation of authority and empowerment, work groups, team building, and employee involvement, reward/recognition programs and employee morale, and the importance of written and oral communication skill in the delegation, sharing, and execution of work. Students gain a clearer understanding of the ways the workplace is changing to improve productivity and profitability.

BUS261 Legal and Ethical Issues in Business (3 units)
This course is an in-depth, exploratory study of human values and ethical conduct of American businesses. The focus will be on verbal debate and written exercises that would draw attention to business practices. This course will also consider the various ethical issues that are arising in the workplace and their impact on the global business environments.

BUS326 Introduction to HTML & CSS for Webpage Design (3 unit)
This course introduces students to understand and develop web design using HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). This course will provide the basic structure of HTML and CSS so that this course does not require the knowledge of HTML. In this course basics of HTML and CSS will be presented base on simple and practical coding. Throughout the course students will be able to plan and design effective web pages, implement web page by coding HTML and enhance web page with layout techniques. Prerequisite: None

BUS327 Introduction to Application Program Interface (API) (3 units)
Focuses on two aspects of website management: technical and business aspects. Application program interface (API) is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. An API specifies how software components should interact and APIs are used when programming graphical user interface (GUI) components. An introduction to API is made with some in-depth coverage of HTML and CSS. Prerequisite: None.

ECON 140 International Economics (3 units)
Students will apply what they have learned in previous economics courses to analyze the global economic environment. They will learn and apply the law of comparative advantage to understand how all people can gain from international trade. Trade agreements, such as GATT and NAFTA, will be discussed and analyzed. Students will learn about the currency markets and the different types of monetary systems. Prerequisite: None

ECON 150 Economic Data Analysis (3 units)
This course prepares students for analysis of economic data found in secondary sources such as the World Bank, The International Monetary Fund (IMF), Organization of European Community for Development (OECD), and various U.S. government sources. Emphasis is placed on learning the basic tools of mathematical and statistical analysis with a goal to applying those tools to analyzing data for meaningful conclusion. Prerequisite: None

LEDR 121 Conflict Negotiation (3 units)
Effective conflict resolution, bargaining and negotiation are addressed in this course as methods for improving the organizational effectiveness in the long term. A special focus will be placed upon creation of win-win solutions to real life organizational situations. Conflict will be examined as both a necessary and challenging workplace phenomena. Prerequisite: None

MGMT 111 Intercultural Competence (3 units)
Overview of business communication and culture within the hospitality industry. Specifically, the ways that culture influences our communication patterns. This course will emphasize the development of both professional and personal relationships among people from different cultural backgrounds. Prerequisite: None

MGMT 112 Global Development (3 units)
This course explores the synchronic and diachronic context for understanding human social processes in colonialism, globalization, and the current world order. Colonial and postcolonial issues such as inequality, resource competition, ethnic and national conflict, migration, and the transition from traditional subsistence-based communities to market-driven consumerism are illustrated. Prerequisite: None

MGMT 131 Service Operations (3 units)
This course provides a survey of the different types of services provided by organizations. Topics include similarities and differences between production of services and production of products, the wide variety of services produced, proportion of organizations’ offerings that are services, and accountability and quality of services. Prerequisite: None

MKTG 190 Social Media Marketing (3 units)
This course gives a foundation to the practical business applications of social media in a marketing world. Through Facebook, Linkedin, blogs, YouTube, Pinterest and other platforms, students discover that social media is for more than just making friends and that there are now only a few degrees of separation globally. Students learn that social media is about marketing at the right time, place and with the right message for existing as well as prospective customers with both legal and ethical behaviors. Prerequisite: None

MKTG 194 Marketing Channels (3 units)
A study of all phases of management skills in the field of physical distribution with emphasis on customer service and international distribution strategies, the course covers distribution strategies for products and services. It pays specific attention to direct distribution (from manufacturing to retail), indirect distribution (agents, independent representatives, and VARs), and direct marketing (fulfillment centers). Prerequisite: None

OBHV 112 Leadership and Organizational Change (3 units)
Examination of the application of leadership theory to groups that are diverse in gender, ethnicity, education, and functional expertise. The role of the leader in establishing effective collaboration among members; the decision making process and power will also be examined. Prerequisite: None

OBHV 113 Theory and Practice of Organizational Development (3 units)
The course overviews how, why, and when to integrate the behavioral sciences with human resource management principles to increase individual and organizational effectiveness. Students will analyze, evaluate, and design relevant theories as they relate to practical application in the workplace. Prerequisite: None

CS 201 Introduction to Computer Information Systems (3 units)
This course is designed to be an introduction to the concepts of computer information systems and use common software for organizing, searching, and computing on information, with an emphasis on business-related tasks. Topics include computer hardware, software, networking, the Internet, programming, and databases. Hands-on experience with personal computers in the lab. Pre-requisite: None

CS250 Introduction to E-Commerce (3 units)
E-commerce coursework, distance learners typically study business theory, relevant technologies, business law and business writing. Courses in economics and sociology might be included in addition to general education classes in order to provide a well-rounded curriculum. Once students get to the e-business program coursework, they likely will study the following topics: The Basics of E-Commerce, Implications of E-Business, and Interface Design for E-Business Transactions



BUS 510 Fundamentals of MBA (3 units)
This course is an overview of fundamental management concepts across a broad spectrum of subject areas. Topics include the online environment and technologies used in the MBA program; academic requirements; research, writing, and analytical skills; plagiarism issues; and basic management concepts. Assignments focus on statistics and the theory of constraints. Exercises improve skills in the areas of research, writing, critical thinking, and teamwork.

BUS 520 Organization and Society Management (3 units)
This course is an exploration of the responsibilities and influence that 21st century managers have within their organizations and the global society. Essential concepts and theories that provide a foundation for the study of business administration and management — including systems thinking, critical thinking, ethical decision making and leadership, legal concepts, corporate social responsibility, and organizational theory and design — are examined.

BUS 530 Managerial Accounting (3 units)
A study of accounting concepts and reporting techniques applied in a managerial decision-making context. Students will analyze accounting data from real-world case studies and present their analyses, conclusions, and recommendations. Managerial accounting modelsused by diverse enterprises in virtually all industrialized nations include cost accounting & the behavior of costs, budgeting, differential analysis, and responsibility accounting will be examined. Reporting techniques involving the use of current spreadsheets and graphic presentation technologies will also be presented.

BUS 535 Financial Management (3 units)
This is a course on how to deploy the available capital resources of the organization in order to gain the maximum advantage possible. Students will review capital budgeting policies and procedures, formulation of growth and diversification policies, appraisal of income and risk, and establishment of decision-making guidelines.

BUS 540 Economics of Management Decisions (3 units)
This is a seminar class applying the concepts of economic decision making to a wide variety of managerial situations, including financial statement analysis; asset valuation; budgeting; cost management; and performance evaluation of organizations, organizational credits, products, and managers. The student must apply critical thinking to make connections among concepts from the disciplines of microeconomics, finance, managerial accounting, and financial accounting.

BUS 550 Operations & Information Systems Management (3 units)
This course is a study of the major functions of modern business management. Topics include the dos and don’ts of successfully managing a project, a survey of several world-class operations management techniques (such as Six Sigma), and the industry’s best practices in operational efficiency and effectiveness. Also, the mission, goals, and importance of information systems management will be assessed using actual work organizations as learning models.

BUS 560 Marketing Management and Innovation (3 units)
This is an exploration of the essentials of marketing management: setting marketing goals for an organization with consideration of internal resources and marketing opportunities, planning and executing activities to meet these goals, and measuring progress toward their achievement. Focus is on the concept of innovation in business, including the introduction of new market offerings and the use of new technologies, strategies, and tactics for achieving marketing objectives. An integrative approach combines discussions on theory of marketing management with industry analysis and practical implications.

BUS 570 Global Business Management (3 units)
This class is about a global overview of various types of business organizations and environments that shape organizational decisions. Emphasis is on the regulatory structures, legal systems, governance models, as well as policy-making processes that define the internal and external functions of business at the confluence of local, state, national, and international affairs. Topics include critical thinking, international ethics, business sustainability, social responsibility, and the impact of economics and technology.

BUS 580 Strategic Management in a Global Marketplace (3 units)
This course deals with an investigation of strategy, value creation, and value capture in different business contexts. Currently, companies compete simultaneously in domestic, global, and electronic markets. Focus is on developing frameworks and models for understanding the structural characteristics of industries and how companies can achieve sustainable competitive advantage, taking appropriate action in these different, but concurrent, business contexts. An explicitly integrative approach is adopted, building on knowledge of the different functional areas of management gained through previous study.

BUS 590 Ethical Decision Making (3 units)
This course is an examination of the many components that influence decision-making by leaders of business organizations – including the notions of cultural relativism, legal responsibilities, prescriptive and normative approaches, and universal principles of ethical behavior. The potential impacts of different decisions on the organization will be investigated and the transparency of the business organization’s decision-making processes will be reviewed within a host of ethical frameworks and hypothetical situations.


BUS 571 Culture and Change (3 units)
This course is an overview of different methods for assessment of cultural competency, and comparison of American cultural values with other national and ethnic cultural values. Simulations will be used to illustrate the influence of stakeholder values in community development projects. Discussions focus on appropriateness and compatibility of outside development models and approaches to traditional communities.

BUS 572 Intercultural Competence (3 units)
This course is an overview of the domains of communication and culture. Specifically, the ways that culture influences our communication patterns, and the development of both professional and personal relationships with people from different cultural backgrounds.

BUS 573 Comparative International Management (3 units)
This course studies the impact of country-specific cultural, economic and legal factors on the theory and practice of managing multinational corporations. Case studies focusing on North American, Latin American, European and Asian settings are used to illustrate the feasibility of adapting and combining different national management styles in the operations of domestic and multinational corporations.

BUS 574 Culture and Socialization (3 units)
An in-depth examination of the concepts of culture and socialization, this course analyzes the socialization process as the key means through which culture is reproduced. Through a critical engagement with competing theories of socialization, students undertake advanced research projects, oral presentations and written assignments. Lecture and discussion topics include issues of ethnic identity and cultural diversity, socio-economic, gender and racial stratification, media representations, dress, language and religion and schooling and the reproduction of inequality. Issues are explored from a cross-cultural perspective.


BUS 521 Emerging Leadership Concepts and Strategies (3 units)
This course will review and examine the various core organizational issues in the theory and practice of leadership. The identification of different leadership theories and leadership styles in a collaborative, integrative organizational leadership context, as well as comparing and contrasting these theories with an authoritarian or collaborative leadership approach within the organizational context will be scrutinized.

BUS 522 Negotiations, Collective Bargaining, and Group Dynamics (3 units)
This course will address effective conflict resolution, collective bargaining, and negotiations strategies, and will assess various methods for improving the organizational efficiency and effectiveness in the long-term. A special focus will be placed upon the creation of win-win solutions for real-life organizations. Conflict resolution will be approached and examined as both a necessary and a challenging workplace phenomenon.

BUS 523 Advanced Personnel Management (3 units)
This course will present an overview of how, why, when, and where to integrate and apply the theories of behavioral sciences with the human resource management principles in order to augment and improve both individual as well as organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Students will evaluate, analyze, and design the various relevant personnel management theories as they relate to practical applications in different work environments.

BUS 524 Interpersonal Communication (3 units)
This course will survey the formation and development of groups through effective and efficient leadership. Team communication styles and roles within organizational work teams will be examined. Different strategies that can foster creativity in work groups will be discussed and analyzed. The impact of technology on work teams and on communication styles will also be evaluated. Students will learn experientially about work groups and teams as well as about the impact of different ethical perspectives by participating in group activities and observing leadership practices in small work groups.


BUS 561 Legal and Ethical Issues in Business (3 units)
This course is an in-depth, exploratory study of human values and ethical conduct of American businesses. The focus will be on verbal debate and written exercises that would draw attention to business practices. This course will also consider the various ethical issues that are arising in the workplace and their impact on the global business environments.

BUS 562 Dynamics of Consumer Behavior (3 units)
A study of the dynamics of human behavior and how it relates to the purchasing decision, this course provides a general view of the different factors that influence the consumer’s decision-making including, personality, social groups, culture, values structure, perception and learning.

BUS 563 Global Marketing (3 units)
An introduction to the fundamentals of trade, finance, and investment in the international context, the course discusses the international monetary framework and foreign exchange in detail. It reviews theory and history of international trade, including exporting and importing, regional economic integration, and international marketing.

BUS 564 Channels of Distribution and Value Networks (3 units)
A study of all phases of management skills in the field of physical distribution with emphasis on customer service and international distribution strategies. This course covers also distribution strategies for products and services. It pays specific attention to direct distribution (from manufacturing to retail), indirect distribution (agents, independent representatives, and VARs), and direct marketing (fulfillment centers).

Doctor of Business Administration Course List

BUS 701: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (3 units)

This course is an examination of the many components that influence decision-making by leaders of business organizations – including the notions of cultural relativism, legal responsibilities, prescriptive and normative approaches, and universal principles of ethical behavior. The potential impacts of different decisions on the organization will be investigated and the transparency of the business organization’s decision-making processes will be reviewed within a host of ethical frameworks and hypothetical situations.

BUS 702: Advanced Seminar in Managerial Finance and Accounting (3 units)

This course will integrate the various principles and concepts used in the financial management of business organizations and will address these principles and concepts from both a theoretical and a practical standpoint. Covered topics will include money and capital markets, financial management of working capital, capital budgeting, fixed asset management, cost of capital, and short-term as well as long-term institutional financing by the contrasting means of debt and equity capital.

 BUS 703: Advanced Marketing Management (3 units)

This course reviews and critiques contemporary marketing theory and its applications in a marketing implementation process context. It focuses attention on the identification of market opportunities, the product development process, promotion planning and execution, pricing structures and decisions, as well as channels of distribution in a highly competitive business environment.

BUS 705: Advanced Organization Behavior (3 units)

A study of the dynamics of human behavior and how it relates to the purchasing decision, this course provides a general view of the different factors that influence the consumer’s decision-making including, personality, social groups, culture, values structure, perception and learning.

BUS 707: Managing Innovation and Change (3 units)

This course goes over an in-depth review of current organizational behavior issues in an organizational change framework, from a workforce planning and performance management perspective, and is analyzed as it relates to employee diversity. Using case studies, the course provides an integrated approach of the theoretical and practical aspects in interpersonal and group communications, organizational structures, organizational systems, and employee performance appraisal in a diverse workplace.

BUS 708: Research Design in Business Administration (3 units)

This course focuses on the study of research methods and experimental design. The primary objective of the course is to prepare students to conduct empirical research. Special emphasis will be placed on in-depth understanding of the philosophy of science underlying research methods, the principles of theory development, methods for enhancing the internal and external validity of research findings, as well as techniques for valid and reliable measurement.


Advanced Elective Area Courses

Advanced Electives in Entrepreneurship 

ENTR 712: Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (3 units)

An course designed to familiarize graduate students with the world of small business and entrepreneurship by exploring the foundational concepts of creativity and innovation.  Attention is given to leveraging intellectual capital by enhancing innate creativity and supporting the generation of unique and innovative ideas while, at the same time, include an overview of the other aspects of the entrepreneurial process including opportunity recognition, entrepreneurial marketing, practical use of financial statements analysis of small business and small business financing, operating a small business and legal and ethical issues in entrepreneurship.

ENTR 713: Finance for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurial Ventures (3 units)

This course takes a three-pronged stage-sensitive approach to the realm of entrepreneurship and small business ownership.  The course emphasizes the differences between large corporations and Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) relative to funding, risk assessment, and management.  Topics include introduction to financial tools, financial markets, and instruments, and management of short-term assets and liabilities.  Analysis of bootstrapping strategies in estimating financial resource requirements is followed by a comprehensive discussion of sources of funds for small businesses in the development, start-up, and survival stages of the entity’s life cycle (including Small Business Administration programs), and in later stages of life, entrepreneurial venture growth capital, harvesting the venture investment and turnaround opportunities or liquidation under financial distress. 

ENTR 714: Applied Information Systems for Small Businesses (3 units)

Success as an entrepreneur or small business owner depends on the availability of relevant, accurate, and timely information.  This course introduces fundamental business planning and accounting concepts while developing skills to implement a cloud-based, technology enabled small business accounting system.

ENTR 715: Marketing for Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses (3 units)

This course focuses on the application of marketing principles and practices in entrepreneurial and small business contexts.  Using marketing research methods, students will use a cloud-based, technology enabled business planning application to develop a marketing plan for a proposed or existing business concept.  Topics include opportunity analysis, strategy and marketing mix development, business model creation including franchising and acquisition, and the importance of mentoring.  Small Business Development Center counselors will provide mentoring to students.

ENTR 716 International Business and Entrepreneurship (3 units)

An introduction to globalization and the cultural, economic, political, and legal environments of international business including exploration of opportunities, challenges, and risks facing multinational corporations and small businesses competing in the global marketplace.

ENTR 717: Venture Creation (3 units)

This course is designed to prepare the DBA students in the entrepreneurship concentration for the role of practicing entrepreneur.  Critical issues affecting entrepreneurship and small business management will be examined.  The primary focus of the course will include marketing strategy, role of marketing in financing the venture, branding, viral marketing, customer relationship management, distribution tactics, new product marketing and public relations, essential concepts of venture financing, human resource management, strategic planning and analytical reasoning as applied to business management.  A comparative view of entrepreneurship and case analyses will be used.


Advanced Electives in Finance

FIN 722 (MNGT 777): Financial Statements Analysis (3 units)

A study of accounting concepts and reporting techniques applied in a managerial decision-making context. Graduate students will analyze accounting data from real-world case studies and present their analyses, conclusions, and recommendations. Managerial accounting models used by diverse enterprises in virtually all industrialized nations include cost accounting & the behavior of costs, budgeting, differential analysis, and responsibility accounting will be examined. Reporting techniques involving the use of current spreadsheets and graphics presentation technologies will also be presented.

FIN 723: Advanced Global Financial Management (3 units)

This course will integrate the various principles and concepts used in the financial management of business organizations and will address these principles and concepts from both a theoretical and a practical standpoint. Covered topics will include money and capital markets, financial management of working capital, capital budgeting, fixed asset management, cost of capital, and short-term as well as long-term institutional financing by the contrasting means of debt and equity capital.

FIN 724: Financial Markets and Instruments (3 units)

A comprehensive study of global financial markets and financial instruments.  Topics include central banking, financial regulations with particular emphasis on cross border monetary transactions and money laundering preventive measures, commercial banking and loan management, private banking and wealth management, and offshore banking.

FIN 725: Portfolio Management and Risk Analysis (3 units)

Managing investment risk through diversification of portfolio of financial products. Covers financial instruments employed for risk management, including financial futures, financial options, interest rate swaps, and other derivative financial instruments.
Also covers various forms of insurance products available to business entities.

FIN 726:  Investments (3 units)

Analysis of investment options, strategies, and instruments available to both businesses and individuals.  Includes fundamental and technical approaches to investments and covers investments vehicles such as fixed income securities, equities, unit trusts/mutual funds, index funds. Also covers tax strategies and estate planning.

FIN 727: Economics for Financial Managers (3 units)

This is a seminar class applying the concepts of economic decision making to a wide variety of managerial situations, including financial statement analysis; asset valuation; budgeting; cost management; and performance evaluation of organizations, organizational units, products, and managers. The student must apply critical thinking to make connections among concepts from the disciplines of microeconomics, finance, managerial accounting, and financial accounting.


Advanced Electives in Management/Leadership

MNGT 772: Cross-Cultural Management (3 units)

This course studies the impact of country-specific cultural, economic and legal factors on the theory and practice of managing multinational corporations. Case studies focusing on North American, Latin American, European and Asian settings are used to illustrate the feasibility of adapting and combining different national management styles in the operations of domestic and multinational corporations.

MNGT 773: Human Resources Management (3 units)

Advanced study of human resource management activities and effective management of human resources in a complex organization. Various functions of human resource management are explored including planning, staffing, training, compensation, motivation, employee development, benefits, performance evaluation, discipline, health and safety issues, employer-employee relationships, and compliance with employment laws.

MNGT 774: Conflict Management and Negotiation (3 units)

This course will address effective conflict resolution, collective bargaining, and negotiations strategies, and will assess various methods for improving the organizational efficiency and effectiveness in the long-term. A special focus will be placed upon the creation of win-win solutions for real-life organizations. Conflict resolution will be approached and examined as both a necessary and challenging workplace phenomenon.

MNGT 775: Organizational Communications (3 units)

This course explores the important roles that communication plays in managers/leaders being effective in their tasks as they exchange meaning with supervisees, peers, supervisors, the larger organization, and the community. Both formal and informal communication will be addressed. Additionally, issues such as cross-cultural communication, ethics, conflict resolution, crisis communication, and developing organizational communication competencies will be investigated.

MNGT 776: Leadership

This course will review and examine the various core organizational issues in the theory and practice of leadership. The identification of different leadership theories and leadership styles in a collaborative, integrative organizational leadership context, as well as comparing and contrasting these theories with an authoritarian or collaborative leadership approach within the organizational context will be scrutinized.

MNGT 777(FIN 722): Managerial Accounting and Finance

A study of accounting concepts and reporting techniques applied in a managerial decision-making context. Graduate students will analyze accounting data from real-world case studies and present their analyses, conclusions, and recommendations. Managerial accounting models used by diverse enterprises in virtually all industrialized nations include cost accounting & the behavior of costs, budgeting, differential analysis, and responsibility accounting will be examined. Reporting techniques involving the use of current spreadsheets and graphics presentation technologies will also be presented.


Advanced Electives in Marketing

MKT 762: Advanced Sales and Marketing (3 units)  

A study of all phases of management skills in the field of physical distribution with emphasis on customer service and international distribution strategies. This course covers also distribution strategies for products and services. It pays specific attention to direct distribution (from manufacturing to retail), indirect distribution (agents, independent representatives, and VARs), and direct marketing (fulfillment centers).

MKT 763: Dynamics of Consumer Behavior (3 units)

A study of the dynamics of human behavior and how it relates to the purchasing decision, this course provides a general view of the different factors that influence the consumer’s decision-making including, personality, social groups, culture, values structure, perception and learning.

MKT 764: Global Marketing Practices (3 units)

Fundamentals of trade, finance, and investment in the international context, the course discusses the international monetary framework and foreign exchange in detail. It reviews theory and history of international trade, including exporting and importing, regional economic integration, and international marketing.

MKT 765: Marketing Management and Innovation (3 units)

This is an exploration of the essentials of marketing management: setting marketing goals for an organization with consideration of internal resources and marketing opportunities, planning and executing activities to meet these goals, and measuring progress toward their achievement. Focus is on the concept of innovation in business, including the introduction of new market offerings and the use of new technologies, strategies, and tactics for achieving marketing objectives. An integrative approach combines discussions on theory of marketing management with industry analysis and practical implications.

MKT 765: Marketing Research (3 units)

This course covers both qualitative and quantitative technical aspects of marketing research.  The case study methodology is then employed to apply the tools and techniques to real-life marketing projects.

MKT 767:  Social Media Marketing (3 units)

This course gives a foundation to the practical business applications of social media in a marketing world. Through Facebook, LinkedIn, blogs, YouTube, Pinterest and other platforms, students discover that social media is for more than just making friends and that there are now only a few degrees of separation globally. Students learn that social media is about marketing at the right time, place and with the right message for existing as well as prospective customers with both legal and ethical behaviors.

*Bible and Theology Course Description are available at our Catalog

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