
Church Music


MUCH 171/172/271/272/371/372/471/472: Individual Instruction (3 units)

MUCH 202/404 Individual Organ Lesson (Non-Major 3 units)

MUCH 380 Praise and Worship (3 units)
Study of the Scripture and the Biblical history of worship and presentations of those concepts in a contemporary setting

MUCH 391 History of Church Music (3 units)
An introduction to the history of church music

MUCH 474 Church Organist (3 units)
Basic knowledge and the history of the organ; playing Hymn and service Repertoire.

MUCH 487 Group Performance (3 units)
A variety of group playing listening, interacting, and improvising and memorizing of standard tunes

MUCH 491 Hymnology (3 units)
The Study focuses on the biblical, theological, literary, musical, and historical aspects of hymns.

MUCH 492 Worship & Music (3 units)
A study of church music in relation to worship

MUCH 571/572/671/672 Individual Instruction (3 units)

MUCH 591 Practice of Church Music (3 units)
The nature of music in worship; developing and administering the music program of the church.

MUCH 592 Advanced History of Church Music (3 units)
Advanced study of the history of church music

MUCH 561 Liturgical Music (3 units)
Comparison of the Jewish, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and Anglican liturgies and their music; the church year.

MUCH 692 Philosophy of Church Music (3 units)
The concepts and the roles of church music


MUCD 411 Choral Conducting I (3 units)
Basic conducting techniques: score analysis; conducting patterns; problems of tempo, dynamics, articulation and text.

MUCD 412 Choral Conducting II (3 units)
Refinement of techniques developed in 411; study of styles and interpretations of choral music from the Renaissance to the present. Prerequisite: MUCD 411.

MUCD 421 Instrumental Conducting (3 units)
Communicating musical ideas to instrumental ensembles; reading and conducting from full score of orchestral compositions.

MUCD 511 Choral Conducting III (3 units)
Problems of preparing and conducting contemporary choral music and major choral-orchestral works from full score; special projects according to student’s development and interests. Prerequisite: MUCD 412.

MUCD 512 Choral Conducting IV (3 units)
Continuation of 511, including choral conducting pedagogy. Prerequisite: MUCD 511.

MUCD 521 Instrumental Conducting II (3 units)
Principal composers and representative instrumental works since the 18th Century: studies of styles and interpretations based on scores and the performance of works in class. Prerequisite: MUCD 421.

MUCD 543 Instrumental Conducting III (3 units)
Problems in advanced conducting. Prerequisite: MUCD 521.

MUCD 571/572/671/672 Individual Instruction (3 units)

MUCD 593 Choral Literature I (3 units)
Choral works form c. 1500 to 1800

MUCD 594 Choral Literature II (3 units)
Choral works from the 19th to the 20th century Prerequisite: MUCD 593.


MUEN 131/132/231/232/331/332/431/432/531/532/631/632 Oikos University Choir (0.5 unit)
Rehearsal and performance of choral literature form all periods of music history.

MUEN 141/142/241/242/341/342/441/442/541/542/641/642 Chamber Choir (0.5 unit)
Performance of choral works of all styles and periods.

MUEN 133/233/333/433/533 Praise Ensemble (1 unit)
Performance of 20th-century church music; readings of student and faculty compositions; experimental music.


MUHL 341 Music History I (3 units)
Music from Antiquity to 1750. Musical styles and genres, performance practices, research methods, and related topics. Detailed analyses of selected works.

MUHL 342 Music History II (3 units)
Music from 1750 to Present. Major classical, romantic, and modern composers, styles and musical genres. Detailed analysis of selected works. Prerequisite: MUHL 341.

MUHL 541 Bibliography in Music I (3 units)
Basic bibliography, literature, and research techniques useful in graduate music study. Required of all graduate students majoring in music.

MUHL 542 Bibliography in Music II (3 units)
In-depth examination and analysis of bibliography, literature, and research techniques useful in graduate music study. Required of all graduate students majoring in music. Prerequisite: MUHL541

MUHL 542 Special Studies in Medieval Music (3 units)
Chief musical developments in Western Europe from the beginning of the Christian era to the middle of the 14th century. Prerequisite: MUHL541

MUHL 543 Special Studies in Renaissance Music (3 units)
Chef musical developments in Western Europe from the middle of the 14th century to the end of the 16th. Prerequisite: MUHL541

MUHL 544 Special Studies in Baroque Music (3 units)
Styles, forms, composers, and compositions of the Baroque era. Prerequisite: MUHL541

MUHL 545 Special Studies in Classical Music (3 units)
Development of classical style in symphonic music, opera, and chamber music Prerequisite: MUHL541

MUHL 546 Special Studies in Romantic Music (3 units)
Vocal and instrumental music of the Romantic era from late Beethoven through Brahms Styles, forms, composers, and compositions of the Baroque era. Prerequisite: MUHL541

MUHL 547 Music of the 20th Century (3 units)
Chief musical developments in Western Europe and the Americas 1890 to the present. Prerequisite: MUHL541: Bibliography in Music

MUHL 548 Special Studies in Music History (3 units)
Chronological and systematic studies. Prerequisite: MUHL541


MUPF 101 Class Piano (3 units)
Techniques of performance, note reading, and basic musicianship.

MUPF 171/271/371/471 Individual Instruction (3 units)

MUPF 201 Class Piano (3 units)
Advanced techniques of performance, and note reading.

MUPF 202/402 Individual Piano Lesson (Non-Major 3 units)
Individual Instruction

MUPF 272/372/472/572 Piano Accompaniment (3 units)
Establishing and administering courses or programs in sight-reading and accompanying; basic curricula and materials; scheduling.

MUPF 373/473 Chamber Music Ensemble (3 units)
Preparation and performance of literature for piano with voice and string, wood-wind and brass and percussion instruments.

MUPF 374 Piano Literature I (3 units)
Solo piano literature; emphasis on composer’s influences, performance practices and the development of the pianoforte – late Baroque through Beethoven.

MUPF 375 Piano Pedagogy I (3 units)
The learning process at the keyboard; pedagogy and methodology of beginning methods Studio/group instruction: children/adults – survey and observation.

MUPF 376 Orchestra Literature I (3 units)
Symphonic literature until Classical Period.

MUPF 377 Orchestra Literature II (3 units)
Symphonic literature from Romantic era to the Present. Prerequisite: MUPF 376.

MUPF 474 Piano Literature II (3 units)
Solo piano literature; emphasis on composer’s influences, performance practices and the development of the pianoforte – Schubert to the Present. Prerequisite: MUPF 374.

MUPF 475 Piano Pedagogy II (3 units)
The learning process at the keyboard; pedagogy and methodology of beginning methods Studio/group instruction: children/ adults – practice teaching: beginners. Prerequisite: MUPF 375.

MUPF 476 Chamber Music Literature I (3 units)
Orchestral literature covering a broad spectrum of the repertoire; emphasis on preparation for audition, until Classical Period.

MUPF 477 Chamber Music Literature II (3 units)
Orchestral literature covering a broad spectrum of the repertoire; emphasis on preparation for audition, from Romantic era to Present. Prerequisite: MUPF 476.

MUPF 571 Individual Instruction (3 units)

MUPF 573 Chamber Music Ensemble (3 units)
Continuation of MUPF 373/473.

MUPF 574 Special Studies in Piano Literature (3 units)
Historical, stylistic and pedagogical aspects of concerto repertoire. Special emphasis to be determined by the department.

MUPF 576 Special Studies in Chamber Music Literature (3 units)
Advanced orchestra literature.


MUTC 151 Aural skill and sight singing I (2units)
Sight-singing, dictation, related keyboard application.

MUTC 153 Aural skill and sight singing II (2 units)
Sight-singing, dictation, related keyboard application.

MUTC 171/172/271/272/371/372/471/472 Individual Instruction (3 units)

MUTC 251 Aural Skill and Sight Singing III (2 units)
Sight-singing, dictation, related keyboard application.

MUTC 253 Aural Skill and Sight Singing IV (2 units)
Sight-singing, dictation, related keyboard application.

MUTC 255 Tonal Harmony I (3units)
Harmonic function in tonal music.

MUTC 355 Tonal Harmony II (3units)
Continuation of MUTC 255. Prerequisite: MUTC 255

MUTC 256 Jazz Harmony I (3 units)
Principles of diatonic chord progressions and available tensions. Exploration of major and minor key harmony: secondary and extended dominant relationships, introduction to subdominant minor. Study of melodic construction and motif development.

MUTC 351 Music Theory I (3 units)
A beginning course in music theory for the general student who wishes to develop music writing skills.

MUTC 352 Music theory II (3 units)
Comparative study of curricula, text materials, and teaching strategies in music theory. Prerequisite: MUTC 351.

MUTC 562 Orchestration (3 units)
Range, techniques, timbre, transposition of orchestral and band instruments; exercises in orchestration.

MUTC 356 Jazz Harmony II (3 units)
Continued analysis and application of major & minor key harmony: continued elaboration of subdominant minor and modal interchange, chord scale theory, individual note analysis of melodies, Substitute dominant and related II-7 chords, diminished chord patterns, modulation. Prerequisite: MUTC 256.

MUTC 357 Counterpoint (3 units)
Two and three-voice counterpoint in 16th and 17th century styles; Two three and four part counterpoint in 18th century style; polyphonic variations, inventions.

MUTC 451 Form and Analysis (3 units)
Survey of approaches to analysis. Emphasis on major forms and procedures of the tonal period.

MUTC 452 Form and Analysis II (3 units)
20th Century approaches to organization of pitch, rhythm, texture, form, etc. Prerequisite: MUTC 451.

MUTC 453 Orchestration II (3 units)
Scoring for small instrumental combinations and for full orchestra. Prerequisite: MUTC 353.

MUTC 454 Orchestration III (3 units)
Continuation of Orchestration II with emphasis on contemporary technique. Prerequisite: MUTC 453.

MUTC 455 Keyboard Harmony (3 units)
Harmonic principles of the common practice period; analysis, written work.

MUTC 457 Counterpoint III (3 units)
Advanced course for composition major. Prerequisite: MUTC 358.

MUTC 458 Counterpoint IV (3 units)
Advanced course for composition major. Prerequisite: MUTC 457.

MUTC 551 Music Analysis (3 units)
Survey of systematic approaches to musical analysis and their application to selected tonal works.

MUTC 552 Analytical Study of Music II (3 units)
Analytic methods and applications to selected 20th century works. Prerequisite: MUTC 551.

MUTC 554 Selected Topics in Graduate Composition (3 units)
Analysis and composition of large forms: For graduates with evidence of preparation for advanced work.

MUTC 571 Individual Instruction (3 units)


MUVA 101 Class Voice (3 units)
Introduction to the fundamental principles of singing breath control, tone production, diction, and the use of appropriate sing material.

MUVA 171/271/371/471 Individual Instruction (3 units)

MUVA 201 Class Voice Intermediate (3 units)
Continued development of the fundamentals of singing, diction, and repertoire building. Prerequisite: MUVA 101.

MUVA 202/404 Individual Voice Lesson: Non-Major (3 units)
Individual instruction for non-major

MUVA 261 Diction (3 units)
Principles of pronunciation and enunciation: use of international phonetic alphabet.

MUVA 361 Song Literature I (3 units)
Song Literature of Italy, France, Germany, Russia, Norway, Sweden, England, America; composers and their influence on song literature.

MUVA 362 Opera Literature (3 units)
Musical theater -its historical, political, and economic foundations; significant milestones in opera; interrelation between the dramatic theater, opera, concert, and church music.

MUVA 461 Song Literature II (3 units)
Continuation on Song literature I.

MUVA 462/562 Opera Workshop (3 units)
Score study for pianists, coaches, and conductors: role analysis; transcription techniques for one or two pianos of an orchestral score

MUVA 463 Oratorio Solo Repertoire (3 units)
Find out each part of aria from major oratorio ; Messiah, The Creation, Elijah etc.

MUVA 465 Vocal Pedagogy (3 units)
Voice physiology and function; common vocal faults; pedagogical approaches and methodology.

MUVA 561 Special Studies in song Literature (3 units)
Art song, concert and operatic repertoire. Emphasis to be determined by the department.

MUVA 563 Comparative Vocal Pedagogy (3 units)
Laryngeal physiology as related to vocal registration; common vocal faults; appropriate corrective.

MUVA 564 Cantata and Oratorio (3 units)
Historical survey of literature, style and performance practice: emphasis on performing solo and small ensemble sections of larger works.

MUVA 571 Individual Instruction (3 units)

Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) Course List

MUCO 500: Aural Skills (3 units)

This course demonstrates the relevancy of music to functional tonal music. To pass the course, students need to be comfortable with hearing and identifying functional chromaticism in both melody and harmony. For melody this means that you need to be able to hear and identify chromatic embellishments and modal mixture. Harmonically you need to be able to hear and identify applied harmonies (secondary dominants), modal mixture harmonies, and altered harmonies (Neapolitan chords and Augmented 6th chords).

MUCO 501: Tonal Analysis (3 units)

This course reviews the common practice period (1650-1900) and the various approaches to phrase design, tonal organization and type-forms (binary, ternary, rondo, sonata).

MUCO 502: Post-Tonal Analysis (3 units)

This course is an introductory survey of 20th/21st century approaches to the organization of pitch (serial, modal, extended tonal, etc.), rhythm, texture and form.

MUCO 503: Schenkerian Analysis (3 units)

This course reviews the application of Schenkerian techniques to large works. Criticisms and extensions of Schenker, semiotic approaches, and theories of rhythmic structure.

MUCO 504: Orchestration Arrangement Analysis (3 units)

This course is a review of materials covered in elementary orchestration; for students whose entrance examination in orchestration indicates a need for further study. Beginning to intermediate exercises in orchestration, including scoring for chamber ensembles and orchestra; study of the history of orchestration.

MUHL 550: Medieval – Romantic (3 units)

This course will cover chief musical developments in Western Europe from the middle of the 14th century to the 19th century. Styles, forms, composers, and compositions of the Baroque era, the classical style in symphonic music, opera, and chamber music and vocal and instrumental music of the Romantic era from late Beethoven through Brahms will be covered throughout the course.

MUHL 551: 20th century to Present (3 units)

This course will cover the historical and philosophical problems and composers of the period; specific emphasis determined by the department.

MUHL 552: Music Seminar (3 units)

This course will be chosen by faculty from a selected topics of current interest.

MUHL 553: Modernism of the 20th century (3 units)

This course will cover the start of Wagner’s ideas and how it created the Modernist Era. Music problems and composers of the period will be covered, and specific emphasis will be determined by the department.

MUHL554: Music of the 21st century (3 units)

This course will cover performance practice and the various musical genres that arose during the 21st century. It will be a course designed to analyze the music of the recording industry and its influence on 21st century music. It will be specified by the department.

MUHL 555: American Music (3 units)

This course will cover music that arose from the indigenous regions of North America and how the development of different musical styles arose to prominence.

MUHL 556: Opera History (3 units each, total 6 units)

This course is a study of the national schools of 19th Century opera with special attention to music style and sociopolitical context. All of the usual suspects will be discussed – Rossini, Cherubini, Meyerbeer, Donizetti, Weber, Verdi, Wagner, Puccini, etc. as well as many of the most recent issues in scholarship.

MUHL 570: Research Materials and Techniques (3 units)

Introduction to music research, information science and technical writing. Required of all graduate students majoring in music.

MUHL 571: Doctoral Colloquium (3 units)

These will be regularly scheduled meeting with faculty and doctoral students to share ideas and the results of scholarly research. Must attend one quarter in order to graduate.

MUHL 572: Song and Chamber Music Interpretation (3 units)

This course will be led by a performing faculty member who will put an emphasis on different interpretation approaches to different musical styles. It will be an analytical study, but with an emphasis on performance. This course will cover the various techniques of vocal and instrumental accompanying. It will cover a range of topics and musical styles and genres set by the department. It will be an analytical approach to the performance practice of each musical period and work discovered during the course.

MPKS 600: Music Pedagogy (3 units)

This course will survey the different methods and studies of college curriculum music classes. Students will be required to do Studio/group instruction. Moreover, students will explore different business practices; auditions, and interview techniques. They will be required to survey and observe and to practice teaching.

MPKS 648: Keyboard Literature (3 units)

Keyboard students are required to take 2 KL courses

This is a course that emphasizes on solo piano literature. It will also put an emphasis on composers’ influences, performance practices and the development of the pianoforte.

MPKS 640: Keyboard Proficiency (2 units); Vocal students are required to take 2 KP courses

Vocal students are required to take this class. The course will cover techniques of performance, note reading, and basic musicianship. Not open to keyboard music majors.

MPKS 641: Keyboard Skills (3 units)

This course will emphasize sight-reading and the various principles of style as related to intermediate literature; c-clef and open score reading; improvisation and functional harmony. Introduction to standard reference works, periodicals. Required of all keyboard majors.

MPKS 650: Individual Coaching (2 units each, 12 units total)

At least two years, six semesters of individual coaching is required. This is only for Piano Majors. This is in preparation for all recitals.

MPKS 651: Keyboard Ensemble Studies (3 units)

Preparation and performance of literature for piano duets and duo-piano, and other forms of ensemble work.

MPVS 630: Individual Coaching (2 units each, 12 units total)

This will be required of all vocal students. They will be required to take at least two years, six semesters of individual coaching. This is in preparation for all recitals.

MPVS 631: Vocal Pedagogy (2 units)

Vocal students will be required to take 2 courses on vocal pedagogy. This course will cover special emphasis on voice physiology, function, and the various pedagogical approaches and methodologies. It will also have a special emphasis on practice teaching.

