Course Descriptions
Advanced Core Courses in Intercultural Studies (6 courses/18 units)
ICS701 Intercultural Studies as a Discipline (3 units)
This is seminar course that deals with the academic discipline of intercultural studies and
intercultural study research and writing. It deals with research of classical and current publication
in the field of intercultural studies and study of relationship between theology, history, and social
science in intercultural studies.
ICS702 Biblical Understanding of Intercultural Studies (3 units)
This is a study of biblical books or texts in the context of intercultural settings. This equips
students to wrestle with the Bible and the teaching of the Bible in intercultural settings. It also
pays particular attention to the intercultural study of biblical texts, diverse reading of the texts,
issues of contextualization as students seek to make sense out of the text in their various cultural contexts.
ICS703 Social Anthropology (3 units)
A study of anthropological approaches to society, culture, history, and current events. The course
explores social and cultural diversity through a range of themes: social organization, ideology,
religion, exchange, subsistence, gender, land use, ethnicity, ethnic conflict, and local/global inter-relations.
ICS704 Culture and Transformation (3 units)
This is a study of culture and transformation by paying attention to cultural change, the place of
change agents and the speed and intensity of change. The study also focuses on the implication
of cultural change and its process that are evidence in social, political, economic, and religious aspect of society.
ICS705 Intercultural Communication (3 units)
This is a study of theories and issues related to intercultural communication, discussing
principles and processes of communicating from one culture to another. This also focuses on
strategies for effective interaction among member of different cultures. Special attention will be
given to language and culture, culture shock, ethnocentrism, paternalism, nonverbal
communication, contextualization, and dynamics of change.
ICS706 Intercultural Leadership (3 units)
This is a study of intercultural leadership covering diversity of pattern of authority, legitimacy,
public support, leadership recruitment, and training as they affect communication, ministry, and
mission. Special attention will be given to the missionary role of multicultural leadership in a
world where missionaries from every country of the world are partnering with missionaries and church leaders.
Advanced Elective Area Courses (6 courses/18 units)
ICS751 Method and Theory in Intercultural Studies (3 units)
A study of the various strategies and theories underneath the multiplicity of organized efforts to
introduce change to the world by the faith-based organizations. It is a study of various
approaches to the academic study of intercultural studies from qualitative and quantitative
methods. Special attention will be made on academic writing, use of library and online sources,
ethics in research and related topics.
ICS761 Seminar in the major issues of intercultural studies (3 units)
This course deals with contemporary issues in intercultural studies. It includes but is not limited
to the topics of cross-cultural theology, intercultural competencies for missionaries, and intercultural mission.
ICS765 Research in Intercultural Studies (3 units)
This is a study of the principle and practical of research on the discipline of intercultural studies.
The course focuses on the methodology and the use and evaluation of primary and secondary
sources and the planning and execution of research project.
ICS771 Christianity and Cultural Change (3 units)
This is a study of cultures and societies, the tools of anthropological methodology, and
sociological and anthropological theories to evaluate and propose solutions to intercultural
studies. Topics include but are not limited to models of culture change, understanding local
values and ethics, problems in community development, and the challenge of integral human development.
ICS779 Religion in the Modern World (3 units)
This course introduces students to major religions of the world focusing on their origin and
development, beliefs and practices, and worldviews and institutions. This course also deals with
Christian responses to other religions whereby students learn to engage people of other faith
respectfully and participate in God’s mission in culturally diverse society.
ICS785 Intercultural Studies in Teaching and Learning (3 units)
It is a study of principles and factors that contribute to effective teaching and learning when
teacher and learners are from different cultures. It includes analysis of cultural influences upon
cognitive style, logical processes, worldview, social relations, modes of learning, and learning
environments. It also studies implication for teaching in specific cultural setting with particular
attention to learning outcomes and cognitive development.
Bible and Theology (3 courses/9 units)
NT705 Life and Teaching of Christ (3 units)
A thorough overview of the life of Jesus Christ on earth, with special attention to the developing
emphasis and distinctive purposes that prevailed during Christ’ publica ministry. The course also
examines the historical setting of Jesus’ ministry and the special emphasis of each Gospel.
THE725 Contemporary Theology (3 units)
This course focuses on the study of Christian faith or theological thought as formulated by
contemporary theologians from various traditions, and to theology as one way the church reflects
critically on its tradition, identity, and message.
THE811 Biblical Theology I (3 units)
This course examines the thematic and historical development of a particular doctrine. Special
emphasis on the given period on the author in the context of the entire scripture.
Research Courses (2 courses/6 units)
ICS801 Qualitative Research Method (3 units)
A study of qualitative method that emphasizes on data collection, analysis, and validation
methods for educational and practical research. Special attention will be given to participant
observation, interviewing, how to write field notes, the use of video clips or audio in the field
settings, how to code verbal data, and so on. It also includes ethical issues in research, the place
of theory in qualitative research, proposal writing for qualitative research, and so forth.
ICS802 Research Design (3 units)
This is a study that explores qualitative, quantitative and both methods research design in the
social sciences. It helps students to select and describe appropriate research method and
procedures for their doctoral dissertation. The course also includes but is not limited to survey
design and execution, data collection, management and analysis, use of statistical tools and computer software.
Dissertation (3 courses/9 units)
ICS901 Intro to Doctoral Research (3 units)
This course helps students to conduct doctoral study with the final dissertation. It is the
introductory course for the dissertation process including the selection of researchable
dissertation topic, strategies in library research, mapping a literature review, issues of form and
style, etc. This is an overview course for PhD student in intercultural studies for dissertation
writing. It also summarizes the contribution that the dissertation intends to make to the field of intercultural studies.
ICS902 Ph.D. Dissertation Field Research (3 units)
This course is designed to help students to conduct its research for dissertation writing. The
course provides students with academic advising at each stage of the dissertation writing.
ICS903 Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal (3 units)
This is an independent course for dissertation writing that embodies the results of original research
and makes genuine contribution to knowledge in the field of concentration. It helps students to
develop doctoral dissertation proposal by presenting the draft of proposal and discussion related
to the dissertation research