Transfer of Credit

Transfer of Credit


Oikos welcomes the transfer of course work from accredited institutions. (Such institutions have been accredited by an agency that is, in turn, recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, or CHEA.) In order to request this transfer, you should arrange for an official transcript (signed and sealed) to be mailed or faxed directly from the previous institution to Oikos’s Registrar’s Office.

Credit is evaluated on a course-for-course basis, requiring that course descriptions and credit values be comparable. Only work earned with a grade of “C” or higher is transferable; however, a grade from transfer credits do not compute into the student’s Oikos GPA.

Transfer of credit may be possible from recognized but unaccredited institutions. The same procedures and requirements as previously noted apply. In addition, Oikos takes steps to ensure that course work taken in the sending institution is comparable to course work offered by Oikos.

These steps include one or more of the following:

● Demonstration of achievement by means of comprehensive examinations
● Review of syllabi, faculty credentials, grading standards, and other relevant learning resources at the sending institution
● Analysis of historic experience regarding the success of transfers from the sending institution
● Successful completion of 32 semester hours at Oikos with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0

If you wish to apply transfer credit to your program, the transfer should be arranged immediately upon receiving your letter of acceptance, and before registering for courses at Oikos.

Fifty percent of the semester hours in your undergraduate program must be completed at Oikos in order to qualify for graduation. Thus, a student pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree must earn at least 60 semester hours at the college.

If you have received some of your education through non-traditional means (such as corporate or military training) you may want to ask that such education be granted college credit. The university may on occasion allow credit for prior experiential learning, at the discretion of the university. Only in special cases, and only in accordance with CCR 71890, will these be considered. You can arrange to have your education evaluated by the American Council on Education’s Center for Adult Learning Educational Credentials (CALEC) program. For more information visit their Web site:

CALEC will provide a transcript showing their analysis of your nontraditional education; please arrange to have a copy of this transcript sent directly to the Registrar’s Office.
