Graduation – OIKOS UNIVERSITY – Official




Degree Requirements

To obtain a degree, students must meet the following degree requirements, in addition to the requirements specific to their program of study.

● Grade Point Average Requirement: An overall grade point average of at least 2.0 is required for a degree.
● Unit Requirement: The student must complete the total unit requirement for a degree.
● Residence Requirement: Students must also complete at least 50 percent of the total unit requirement at Oikos University.
● Christian Testimony (BA and up)
● Completion of Student Ministry Requirements: 8 semesters
● All accounts paid in full

Graduation Petition

Students must file a graduation petition with a fee with the Registrar’s Office one semester prior to graduation.

Graduation Honors

Honors at graduation are based on overall academic achievement and Christian character and service. They are determined by the faculty. A minimum grade point average of 3.85 for summa cum laude, 3.65 for magna cum laude and 3.5 for cum laude is required.


Commencement is held at the end of Spring semester each year. All graduating students are expected to be present at commence ceremony except in cases of emergency.
